About Us

Welcome!  Failte! Willkommen!

I am the mad zymurgist.  In the last couple of years I have started researching my Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Norse (i.e., Native European) roots.  Over and over again mead was mentioned.  From sacred ceremonies, to the only sustenance Odin took, mead was central to many stories.  At the same time, I have never been a big fan of wine.  A single-malt, barrel aged Scotch, however, was another story…  As I began researching the history of mead, I was drawn inexorably to it.  I started making it a while ago, and have continued unabashedly since then.  I have now drawn my poor family into the sticky web and we are Williams 3 Meadery.  My life has become guided by this simple rule: what I can ferment, and what I can’t ferment.

I have fallen in love with mead and meadmaking.  I hope to share some spark of that excitement with you.  I also have struggled to find adequate meadmaking resources.  There are bits and pieces around the web and in books, and there are almost unlimited resources on how to make grape wine (and other wines with sugar), but not focused solely on mead.  Therefore, this site was born.  Here we revel in mead (clothing optional – but the bonfire is necessary)!

The Monkey Boy Mead label

4 responses to “About Us

  1. Hello there,
    I just wanted to say thanks for a great sight for Mead making info. I too have resonantly got bit by the Mead bug. I have spent a lot of time looking up info. on the topic on to be turned off or just get plain old confused with all the contradicting liturature out there. Yours was the first where I didn’t thick you were talking out your $(($&@. So thanks for that, keep up the good work and know you have another follower waiting for more of you writing.

  2. I currently have a mixed berry Melomel about to undergo it’s 4th racking. 🙂

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